

Why babies in all countries on earth say mama,papa

No matter which country you are born in,and no matter what your mother tongue is,the way you call your mother is always  similar with “mama”.
"Mama" is a universal word, describing the woman who gave us the most cherished love in our most vulnerable state. Almost every language boasts a recognizable form of it. While it's true that most languages vary when it comes to the formal word mother, the intimate mama stays the same in each language. But "mama" doesn't spring from love. It happens because of two things: Lazy little baby mouths, and boobs.
Research finds that usually they start with the sounds made with closed lips,such as mama,papa. Or "labial sounds" such as /m/ /p/ /b/.
So why do babies gravitate to the "m" sound instead of "p" or "b"? Because of breasts, of course! The "m" sound is the easiest for a baby mouth to make when wrapped around a warm delicious breast. Even as adults, we still associate "mmm" with something being yummy and good. So does your baby.
When we heard the pronunciation  of  “mmmm”,we define it as mother subconsciously.So mama becomes popular with earth humans.


