

Research turn out that third-order safety culture associated with second-order safety performance model are the desired model

Safety culture is mainly applied to the high-tech, high-risk operation-oriented enterprises, in energy, power, chemical and other industries it is especially important. Studies on safety culture and safety performance have been increasing recently.A research from ScientificResearch Publishing conclude that third-order safety culture associated with second-order safety performance model turns out to be the desired model, where both the measured variables and latent variables have good reliability. The proposed model meets many criteria of the goodness of fit as well.The following it the stages of research:
We first carry out a thorough literature review and propose an integrated model of safety culture and safety per-formance with eight dimensions and four dimensions, respectively. We then state a series of hypotheses and test the proposed model on a sample of 370 valid data from three manufacturing companies in Taiwan.
Safety culture is a safe  engineering which benefit the the life and health of workers,and an important way to improve enterprise's safety management level and reach the company intrinsically safe.I hope this research can be help for futhur research.

