

Does Music Really Benefit to Sleep and Memory, Scientific Point of View

When I was in junior high school,I have heard that music is good to our memery. Then I have heard other benefits of music:music can be good medicine for depression mood and music can contribute to creative thinking in Pre-School children. Is music really that magic?A report from mailonline can reveal some truth to us.

Music is benefit to sleep and memory indeed,however,there are some limits.

Researchers have discovered that playing sounds synchronised to the rhythm of the slow brain oscillations of people who are asleep enhances these oscillations which boosts their memory and improves the quality of their sleep. It has long been known that slow oscillations in brain activity, which occur during so-called slow-wave sleep, are critical for retaining memories. Attention:The sounds must synchronised to the rhythm of the slow brain oscillations, sound stimulation which is out of sync does not improve memory.
Dr Born and his colleagues conducted tests on 11 people during which they exposed the participants to sound stimulations.

When the volunteers were exposed to stimulating sounds that were in sync with the brain's slow oscillation rhythm, they were better able to remember word associations they had learned the evening before.

Stimulation out of phase with the brain's slow oscillation rhythm was ineffective.

Another 2 benefits of music referred  above  need’s further study, author thinks.

