

Obama and his wife will get tattoo and show off on YouTube if his daughters get one ,a new way to remove tattoo

US President Barack Obama has warned his daughters that if they get tattoos, he and his wife will get matching ones on the same place on their bodies.
In an interview on NBC's Today show, Mr Obama said he hoped the "family tattoo" threat would discourage teen rebellion.
About  tattoo
Tattoo brings temporary alternative happy to fashionable men and women,while it lives permanent pain and spiritual shackles to the tattoos. A lot of tattoos may be regret and eager to remove them.
Methods to remove tattoo
Traditional methods to remove tattoo including chemical, mechanical, surgical, termal and laser assited methods.A scientists introduces a new method: Q-switch mode.They claimed this method as one of the most effective methods of tattoo removal with advanced the laser method.The scientists also conclude that lymphatic elimination may be one of the significant mechanisms of tattoo removal through contrast experiment.

